Enter the zip code where your car will be shared. If your area zip code is eligible, commit to sharing your model year 2016 (or newer) car for at least 3 months in your zip code.
To be eligible for at least $600 per month guaranteed earnings, make your car available to rent for at least 22 full days out of 31 for each month of the 3 month period. Guaranteed amount will be prorated based on month start date. Sign up must occur before the 20th of the month.
Keep your host-initiated cancellation rate below 10% and maintain a rate of driver cleanliness complaints below 10% to remain eligible for the bonus payout.
If your car meets these requirements and earns less than our guarantee through renter bookings in a given month, we’ll pay you the difference between the car’s earnings and our guarantee. Simply maintain your car’s eligibility and get at least $600 every month this fall!
If you have any questions or want to learn more about this bonus, feel free to call (855) 674-3844.