Unlock more earnings

Want Drive with Uber in your city?

Our popular Drive with Uber program gives owners access to vetted, professional gig drivers who tend to book cars repeatedly and for longer periods throughout the year.

Let us know by completing the form below!

Once 50 owners in your city join the waitlist, we can activate DWU and open your doors to more demand!

How owners benefit from Drive With Uber

More earnings

On average, owners see a 30% increase in monthly earnings when they enroll their cars.

Longer rentals

Owners see an average of 7+ day rental duration when renting through the Rideshare only program.*

Higher Utilization

Owners enrolled in the Rideshare only program* have seen a 40% increase in utilization.
Learn more
*In select markets

Where Drive With Uber is available

Drive with Uber is currently available in the cities highlighted above. If you’d like us to expand the program into your city, join our waitlist and we’ll reach out as soon as DWU is available near you!
Join waitlist
Navigate to your car dashboard, click a car’s page, and select “Documents” in the left hand side toolbar.